20 February 2009

No food in my kitchen

I'm too broke to buy groceries. Also, it is too cold outside and I am way too lazy.

Check out this unicorn necklace made by Peaches Geldof of Nylon mag. All out of recycled material; I think it will become the new sparrow.

I had a pretty bad day at work. My boss is a contradicting tyrant.

I think I'm getting sick. ={

18 February 2009

Geek Love

I am staying up studying for this huge midterm I have tomorrow in my Legal Aspects of the Music Industry class. Quite nervous, I'm just afraid that I'm not getting the material as thoroughly as I should be, although I feel like I know it fairly well through common sense as I review it. Oy vey.

Anyway, I was just looking at Grisha while he was sleeping and I just realized that I am quite possibly dating one of the biggest dorks on the planet. :D I'm in love with him. He came home plastered drunk, talking about space ships and gobbling up a ginger tea packet. *sigh* What am I going to do with this man?

I have sketches and collages I want to share with you all soon...

16 February 2009

My neighbor's horrible taste in music

So I have arrived at the conclusion that my downstairs neighbor is not only dumb and lacking in any redeeming qualities, he also has horrible taste in music. Seriously, I've been studying my ass off for hours to the horrendous sounds of his stereo blasting obnoxious hip hop music. 'Tis a shame. As such, I have decided to take revenge by dropping heavy objects on the floor to help him realize how much everyone in the building hates him right now.

I have fallen in love with James Gulliver Hancock's works. They are very inspiring and tantalizing for the eye.

Anyway, I must get back to studying.

p.s. I am in the process of coming up with a better layout for this blog... so anyone who actually reads this, be patient, be kind!

06 February 2009

The sledding incident

Harrisonburg finally got some snow recently, and it was fluffy and enjoyable -- a bunch of us went sledding down the hills on campus. Of course, I had never gone before (Virginia Beach naturally just doesn't get good snow) and I was very nervous and hesitant, until Grisha just pushed me off after saying that "I'll get it", and consequently I rammed into the train tracks at the end of the hill with instant impact. My body is still recovering. I was so pissed at Grisha. >:(

I need money.