08 December 2009


Originally uploaded by jessicaroxanne atienza
Salut! Today on the anniversary of my birth, I turned 21. However, I got an early birthday present from the weather gods, who brought me snow. Thanks, weather gods. You know how much I love snow. I really get so childishly excited over it.

So, lots of updates! Had a wonderful Thanksgiving (I hope you all did too), played in a few shows and a few gigs, made money, made love, made food, did VERY well in my string jury this morning (a nice start to my day), and started drinking at 1030 am. I got pretty hammered, took a nap with my boyfriend around 4, and I woke up at 7 still pretty drunk. I actually had a dream reliving my morning birthday bar-hopping extravaganza, except I bought 3 boxes of pizza -- and I dreamt of CHEESE. So I went and bought 3 boxes of pizza and ate it with my friends, had some more tasty German beer, baked some chocolate chip cookies, and talked to my family and my best friend from home. This is, needless to say, the best birthday I've ever had.

I love my family, my boyfriend, my friends, and chocolate. I'm grateful for all the things in my life. :D

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