29 September 2008

Outside my window...

I can hear the sounds of leaves falling, the wind rustling, the traffic of downtown, and the train whistling as it heads towards its destination.  The sun passes rays through my window, casting shadows and mysterious flying particles in my apartment, which smells of Lavender and Vanilla.  My bedroom is chilly but still comfortable as I keep warm in my cable knit sweater and sip my coffee.  The skies are blue and gray with a sadness about them, although they are happy to bring about their melancholy regime.  My bed is unmade, with the covers in disarray.  Grisha wakes up from his sleep and begs me to come back to bed, but I merely smile.  The train whistles again.  This is the temperament of Autumn.

Suffice it to say that I am wholly content.  The season and my heart align perfectly, and I gladly welcome Fall, in all its glory and beauty, just so I can ride my bicycle across the dancing leaves.  Everything is beautiful! 

... And now I must get up and practice for a lesson I have with Tzveta.  

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