05 October 2008

Bicycle wreck

Yesterday I got into quite a wreck on my bicycle while on the way to the thrift store with Collin.  We were riding down Main St, and as soon as I saw the train tracks and thought for a millisecond about all the horror stories of how people have wrecked on them, it was too late for me to do anything about it, and my poor road bike skidded on the road and fell through while I was projected forward and ate pavement.  I ended up skinning my knee and getting a shiner and a cut by my left eye, along with some other glorious cuts and bruises here and there.  Surprisingly it wasn't as worse as I thought it was when it all happened.  I thought my face got roughed up much worse than it did.  And most importantly, the bike is okay.

In spite of all that, Collin and I were able to thrift successfully.  Afterwards, Grisha came over to take care of my wounds.  :)  

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