11 October 2008

Sick, cold, and alone...

... right now.  I'm waiting for the tea kettle to whistle so I can make myself some ginger tea + honey and drown in my blankets.  I'm really tired; I tried going out to a show tonight but I was too cold and congested and realized once I got to the party that I was going to be gone soon.

I got off work particularly late tonight.  I don't think I've ever been this exhausted for such a long amount of time.  Excess school and two jobs are beyond what I can handle right now.  I wish I could afford to cut back on some of my obligations but I guess that option is not in the cards for me these days.  Hopefully once I move out of this single apartment and into Camelot (a house with my closest girlfriends here!) I'll have it a lot easier, since my expenses will be a lot lower than they are now.  Then I won't have to work as hard.  ;)

I made the mistake of drinking a small amount and smoking a large amount while being sick and cold tonight.  Blech!  It made me feel worse.  It doesn't help that I think I may have added too much honey to my ginger tea, which is almost sickening me because of its strength and sweetness.  Speaking of sweets, I ran out of red bean motchi last week, and have a serious craving for it right now.  I always have perfect timing no?  

I'm getting sleepier.  Grisha needs to come over soon, wasted or not, so I won't sleep alone tonight!  I'm meeting his parents tomorrow...  T-T

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