29 June 2010

The composer is dead

I had a nightmare. Something about faces and suspicious beings.

I remember trying to call out your name, and that time when I was having a nightmare in your apartment and how when I could finally shout out your name I woke up and found you there in my arms.

I thought about you, and how you would know what to say.

I need you.

But you don't need me.

I can't.

You are manifested in so many symbols, and your meaning is everywhere to me. But you are nowhere to be found, even when you are sleeping in my arms.


The funeral is in 7 hours. I still can't grasp the concept of death. The idea that someone I knew for so long simply just disappeared -- well, I can't understand that. I've known plenty of people who have died, and yet death has not happened to me, in the sense that I am 21 years old and still can't acknowledge the magnitude of its meaning.

Robert Ian Winstin, teacher, composer, conductor, and friend. You will be missed, but your legacy lives on.

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