01 August 2008


This whole 8-hour work day thing has really started to take its toll on me.  I find that the more I work the more my life just gets completely uninteresting.  I wake up every morning, read or practice for a bit, go to work at 11, come home by 8:30, and by fault of my lack of immunity towards exhaustion, I stay in for the rest of the night to get the rest that I've been lacking lately.  Is this what "getting older" is like?  

I don't want my life to be uninteresting.  I want it to be filled with adventure, spontaneity, troubles and scandals.  These things give me something to think about.  What good is merely existing?  

I will say that I have noticed how easily tired I've grown recently.  Maybe it's the heat, but an 8-hour work day (5 days a week!) coupled with the endless amount of errands I have to do can knock the wind out of me.  My lethargy is embarrassing to myself as I find myself living more and more like my own work-obsessive parents -- constantly tired and milking that last minute of sleep for what it's worth.  Odd how I can look back and remember exactly how much livelier being a teenager and in high school was since it was not at all too long ago.  I almost wish I had that same near-childish naïveté that kept me wired during those x-teen years.

I really hope it's the heat.  It's one of the only explanations that couldn't have me yearning for Fall even more.  But even following that is always a cold, lovely Winter with just as much lethargy as the Summer, only bundled up in knits and blankets and infinite cups of coffee.

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